Monday, 24 June 2013

Can we really divest fossil fuels?

There is a student movement sweeping college campuses in the US. It calls for colleges to pull their investments - or to divest - from fossil fuel companies.

At least 300 schools have active campaigns - some bigger than others, and some further along than others, but still 300 is impressive.

Their manifesto is an article by the journalist-turned-activist Bill McKibben which appeared in Rolling Stone magazine almost a year ago. It argues that divestment on college campuses helped bring about the end of Apartheid, so why not climate change?

Podcast #47: The Divest movement sweeping the US, Singapore haze + The month's best environmental web picks

This podcast includes the following stories:
  1. The Divest Fossil Fuel movement sweeping the US
  2. My top environmental web picks
  3. Singapore battles the dreaded haze
  4. Britain's energy quagmire
  5. A farmer responds to the suggestion of feeding his cows insects